Sunday, December 31, 2006

Am I "Involved"???

Actually Miss/Mr Anonymous, I am involved with someone!

My guy friends don't like him though...

And one of my friends wrote on his blog about him...not very nice stuff...

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion...and anyway I'll enjoy it while I have it.

I can't help it I really like him!!

It's not love but still...It's adoration!!

If anyone wants to view my guy friend's blog go to

Everyone should know by now that I'm a hopeless romantic and livin for love!

But livin for love isn't a bad way of keeps you interested and content(if not all the time)

(And please don't take livin for love the wrong way. I am not like that!)

I found another cool quote that I think I'll randomly stick at the end.

So until next post,

Have A Happy New Year!!

Your devoted blogger,

Athena's Quill

"I wear this crown of thorns

Upon my liar's chair

Full of broken thoughts

I cannot repair."


Ranguvar said...

Sorry 'bout the post on ROOL...
I have changed my opinion of him...
But I still have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Oh well, who cares, I'm crazy! ^-^
Anywayz, ur blog is awesome!
I like the dream, keep posting them!!!

Ranguvar said...

Oh and THX for the ad for ROOL.

In Depth said...

So now, Ranguvar admits he has a split personality.

To Ranguvar, I say: the pronoun "him" refers to the latest previous noun. And to the Love Struck Writer, I say: beware. And beware of who you ask? Beware of two.