Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bright Idea! (Maybe...)

I have an idea but i wanna see if it'd be an okay thing with any commenters out there....if there are any...

Well anyways my idea was to have a picture of the day(Or whenever i get a chance to post...) thingamabobber and that way you guys could see some of my favorite pictures and get some more teeny clues to what kind of person i am.

Don't worry for those anime "haters" out there not all the pictures will be anime ones.

Comment to tell me if that would be a cool idea...

I know.... I'm a dork!

The picture is just for fun(and its cute!!)

1 comment:

music is a weapon said...

hey i think thats a good idea u should do that idea its a good 1
C YA LATUR! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
music is a weapon