Sunday, January 7, 2007

Random Topic! Words!!

Good Morning!
Hope everyone is having a good day!

I really don't know what i came on here to talk about....
Ah well....

I think i finally caught up on sleep because I'm not tired anymore!!!

I know what I'll do!!
I'll list some of my favorite words!!!
Some are English some are not
Some are made up some are not
So here it goes

1) Cor = some British swear word equal to 'holy sh**'

interjection British Dialect.
(used as a mild oath.)
(used as an exclamation of surprise or disbelief.)

2) Wanker = ^-^ Another British insult! Tee hee!

noun Chiefly British and Australian Slang: Vulgar.
a contemptible person; jerk.

3) Splendiferous = i thought i made it up but i just found it online and realized i had just been spelling it wrong...... *sniff sniff*

having great beauty and splendor; "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity" [syn: glorious]

4) Confuzzled = what i am most of the time! ^-^

Means confused....duh!

5)Moe = A Japanese word that sooo describes me!!

An affection or attraction to certain types of anime or manga characters!!!


Ive gotta go now but I may put s'more words on next post!

Until then.....


dictionary from
And the 'moe' definition is from Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori


Ranguvar said...

Hey! You stole alot of mine! ^-^

1. I was the one using "wanker" first! I told you what it meant I think!

2. I got "confuzzled" from cheese4me2222!

3. Moe also describes me! But you should know it has roots in hentai...

Moe is a Japanese term used in connection with manga or anime to describe the ideal of youthful and innocent femininity. Written with the kanji for "to bud or sprout" (萌), the concept covers a narrow range of ideal behaviour for youthful female characters in manga or anime. To be properly moe, a character must be eager or perky, not overly independent, and call forth a desire in the viewer to protect them and nurture them.

There is a lot of debate over the crossover between moe fandom and lolicom. While the crossover exists among fans and products the two genres are not synonymous.

"Lolicon" (I looked it up) is a form of hentai depicting underage girls. EEK!!!

Anonymous said...

Cor..that's fun! I'm going to walk around school saying that to confused looking people. Mwhahaha I am a mean toothpaste >:D