Thursday, February 15, 2007

Musical Time!! school is putting on a musical!


I had the guts to actually audition for it(Go me!!)

I'm just a modern(A 'nice' word for an extra...) but i get to wear the cool costumes


I'm really excited and even thought this is old news(XD) I just had rehearsal today and things are started to come together(slowly but surely)

I'm really nervous though cause everythings so hectic and i lost my music(Crap!><) and i feel like i might mess up cause i dont know what im supposed to be doing...

I'm just getting really highstrung cause everythings coming at me in one sudden rush and as long as i can hold on to something i think i can make it through......


wow....that was kinda....deep....



Anyways i just wanted to spout out how happy i am being in a musical!

I mean musicals are my life(not really but i really love 'em!) and they pick up my spirits.

I have yet to find that perfect musical though....the one where everythings the way it should be

Love and angst and tears and laughter and action and killing and...yeah....the whole shebang!!

I always get pumped up talking about musicals and plays too!!

I think next post I'll start listing plays/musicals i have seen...



I'm gonna something.....

I'm hungry....

I think I'll have Ramen tonight since my mom's working late.....
~~~Yummmmm!! Ramen!! How come that looks so good though!!???~~~

My sister can fend for herself


Hope you guys have good food for dinner too!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry:)
u'll do great. It all comes together!