Friday, July 27, 2007

Mindless Ramblings

Sorry I havent posted in awhile its just i havent felt....inspired enought to write a post but i'm bored and tired so its a perfect combination for the making of a post! :)
So I'm going on vacation a week from tomorrow! We're driving down to North Carolina (an 11/14 hour trip...) and we have to bring our cousin with us because he's visiting a friend down there and my aunt and uncle can only pay for a one way plane ticket. It kinda stinks though because my sister and I were looking forward to finally having the car for ourselves for the first time but now we have to share again (i sound like a little brat dont i?) I keep trying to think of the brightside to it all and all i can think of is 'Thank god for rest stops!'
I've been saving up a lot of money to bring on this trip but i also want to set aside money for this DVD set. It's the second season of my favorite J-drama, Hana Yori Dango and I love the Japanese actor who plays Tsukasa Domyoji in it. (I have a thing for hot asian guys XD)
I've watched the whole first season on youtube and crunchyroll but neither have the second season which looks the best! ><
I want it so bad. And then The next book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer is coming out on August 7 and I definately need that!!!! I'm one the original and biggest fans! I dont want to sound like im bragging because i hate how people either get competitive or hateful when you brag but....
I had read the book when it was on the 'new book shelf' at our public library then i bought it and read it again. And i was the one who introduced it to the freshman school by bringing it up in books and bagels and spreading the word! So im very excited for when Eclipse comes out but im gonna be on vacation then so....I get to read it then...
Well....I've kinda run out of ideas so...
Sorry for the short post...
With all my love


Natsuko101 said...

I hate it when people say 'i am the biggest fan!' ... and u said that... *shudders* lol jkjkjk ^_^ So far, i DO love twilight... and i still have ur book, dont worry! lol, U must feel SO proud of urself for introducing the book to books & bagles. North Caronila! YEA! WELL IM GOING ON VACATION TOO!!! ... i have no idea WHERE though... my 'rents havnt made up their mind yet, lol, well, ttyl! ^_-

Lily said...

so those were the dvd's that "never came" eh?? aah it's ok you like potatoes i like tomatoes while my fruit is juicy and red and delicious and yours has well nothing ^-^ lol I can respect our differences ^-^Huggle!